New Winds Are Blowing

My dreams of becoming a proofreader by trade are materializing!

It's been about a month since I talked with anyone about proofreading work, so I contacted my mentor, Bethany, last week. I've only spoken with her once before, but she is so inviting and encouraging to me that I had to get back on track and figure out how to do the "next thing".

I upgraded my resume' and printed business cards. That was fun. Then I started searching with Google for Christian publishers.

I thought it would be much harder to get publishers to send me proofreading tests, but tonight I'm encouraged again! After sending contact emails to a couple of Christian publishers I found on the internet (I chose names I was familiar with), I received a response within days requesting my address so they could send me a test!

You've got to understand... (In my English I'm actually saying, "ya gotta understand!") This is incredibly FUN to me! In my mind, this is like tackling a crossword puzzle would be to some people. For my husband, it would be the equivalent of thinking through strategy in a card game. My Grandma Beneta would giggle that she was cooking up a "Triple Word Score" in the game of Scrabble. For my daughter, it would be like solving the crime in a mystery novel.

Proofreading comes naturally to me. I'm hungry to practice it and "solve" more sentence structure dilemmas, correct spelling and punctuation mishaps, catch formatting inconsistencies and GET BETTER AT IT! In fact, the managing editor of the first publisher to test me (last year) agreed to send me manuscripts to practice on, along with already proofed copies so I could see how my efforts stack up against others'.

I love this!

Meanwhile, I'm holding two part-time jobs and keeping my home and marriage healthy, staying close to Jesus, encouraging my offspring, helping lead worship at church, and trying to sell my Dad's metal detector! I'm a busy lady, but not too busy to keep plugging away at the work I long to do next - with patience and perseverance.

This new life is coming to be! The dream is to earn a healthy income, manage it well, and support mission work for the Lord. To bless and be blessed.

With God's help I will do this!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


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