Simple Woman - Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Outside My Window...the sun is warming the soaked ground and the kitties are looking for little bugs to pounce on.
I am thinking... too much about getting some chickens.
I am thankful for... my wonderful husband.
From the kitchen... the pork is thawing in the sink.
I am wearing... my hair pinned up at the sides.
I am creating... a new life-work by studying and exploring my options.
I am going... to take two packages to the post office.
I am reading... Thou Shall Prosper, by Rabbi Daniel Lapin
I am hoping... I get a good score on my anatomy and physiology exam!
I am hearing... silence, but for the hum of my computer's fan and the keys clicking.
Around the house... three empty bedrooms - my daughter is housesitting and everyone else has moved out.
One of my favorite things... a clean handkerchief.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: after my exam and swim, I plan to meet Bonnie tomorrow for some girl time.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...View of Colorado from my husband's hunting trip (whoops, the insert image button doesn't work again!)


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