An After Easter Story

I remember my father singing in our church's Easter cantata (a musical story). Usually it was a repeat performance - where he'd sing the voice of Satan the tempter harassing Jesus. I used to hate it that he sang it every year (it seemed), but he had the deep, rich baritone voice the part called for!

In our Christian school it was my sons who were chosen for the part of Satan or of vices like the character of "drugs and alcohol." Our drama staff explained that because my boys were so well grounded, it was felt my boys wouldn't relish the part in an unhealthy way.

My oldest son is one of our worship leaders and playwrights. Well, this Easter Sunday he hung on a cross for the third time. But this time he was the thief that repented and I got to see him walk off into paradise with Jesus.

Whew! Glad he finally made it!



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