
Showing posts from November 5, 2007

"The Child is Worth It!"

Have you ever heard this line: "I just can't imagine bringing children into this world, as bad as things are now?" When I was newly married, and my ear was tuned to what was being said about having babies, I heard this more than a few times. How many generations before us heard the same thing? My marriage began shortly after the Viet Nam War and Watergate. I know it was said after World War II. I'll bet there were similar thoughts when the Black Plague was creeping across Europe with sickness and death, and when no army could withstand the advance of the Roman Empire. What did the first believers think when they saw Jesus hanging on the cross? Something like, "all is lost" and, "what's going to happen to us now?" And his own mother, who had to be more convinced than anyone that he was the Son of God... Imagine watching not only your son cursed, tortured and struggling to breathe his last breaths, but also seeing the " Hope of Israel "