
Showing posts from September 30, 2008

A Grandma in Love

Last night we celebrated the departure of our niece, who will be gone for 10 months working at the Dream Center in Los Angeles. It's a broad-based down-to-earth street ministry that meets the needs of many different populations in a very needy area of LA. We're proud of her, worried about her, happy for her, and already missing her. But guess who stole the show? My 2-year old grandson danced and ran and screeched in delight as he played with my son. Yes, it was a very family-friendly pizza parlour. Yes, it was probably disturbing to some. Yes, we should have quieted him sooner... but we were having so much fun! Sure enough, my little grand-guy wore out and had to make the rounds to tell us all good-bye. When he got to a older grandma he didn't know, he stole her heart anyway. They exchanged a few words, then he planted one on her. The sparkles in her eyes were almost blinding the rest of us, as she said, "He kissed me, right here!" She was definitely smitten!