
Showing posts from June 11, 2007

First Day of Work

I started work on my knees! How appropriate! I wasn't asked to clean the carpet, but I was anxious to start my new job, so I volunteered. My younger boss may not have known that I have achey bones, but I really wanted to see how much I could do. I allowed myself to enjoy the scrubbing, down on my hands and knees with a steam-cleaning machine that's meant for cleaning car interiors. Singing, whistling, humming... Getting up (slowly) and stretching... Changing my position (slowly) and cleaning smaller portions (slowly)... Physical labor is not like it used to be for me. I'm still glad I can do it, but now it costs me more! But I did enjoy it! --the singing part anyway. I know that I won't always have easy days at work. I've been around long enough to know that harder times come. I've also learned that my joy has to be in Jesus, not in situations, feelings or "things". I loved chasing my little boys down the hall after their baths, and scoopi

Going To Work Today!

OKAY, HERE WE GO! I've planted the tomato plants in my garden, and moved the volunteer pumpkin seedlings to the chicken-wire fenceline (hopefully to discourage the rabbits from getting in and enjoying my veggies too much). The sprinkler is on, soaking the transplants. I've made the arrangements for our dog to go to a new home, where she'll get the attention she needs. No more avoiding touching her because of the fear of contracting poison-oak from her coat! I've taken "K" back to her foster home. I've made my shopping list, because I'll need some supplies before I show up for work. We'll be setting up the office, and I'm going to clean the carpet first! I've taken my walk and prayed, I've fixed my hair and dressed for the job. I've checked my textbook listings on eBay - looks like I'll be finishing selling them off today. Jerry prayed a blessing over me and my efforts for today - a new start with, not just a new job, but a