
Showing posts from January 7, 2009

My Happy Anniversary #31

SIMPLE WORDS FROM MY HUSBAND: I am you enjoy the quiet of the night, and I enjoy the quiet of the morning. I am thankful for...31 years with the woman I love. From the coffee. I am wearing...old jeans and a long sleeve T shirt. I am creating...this comment in hopes that it will bless you. I am finish some projects and then watch the Duck bowl game. I am reading...the Gospel of Luke. I am hoping...that hope and revelation will reach a young man who desperately needs both right now. I am hearing...the ticking of the clock, the whir of my computer and the song in my head, "I'm Tradin' My Sorrows". Around the house...all is quiet and at rest. One of my favorite things...the sound of your laughter and the thought of growing old with you (well two of my favorite things). I love you Kathleen, Jerry `'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'