
Showing posts from October 31, 2008

Friday Thoughts

FOR TODAY: October 31, 2008 Outside My Window... the rain is still not serious about Fall. The golden leaves are just waiting for a good storm to knock them off and send them on a wild ride! I am thinking... it is good to love the Lord. I found it very irritating as a teen, when my Grandma Ina would ask me about some of my friends, "Does he love the Lord? In my religious and righteous self, I thought there were more important things to assess than just their love for God. (what about how well they perform?) But it's true. His heart wants our heart's love. "You shall love the Lord your God with ALL your heart..." I am thankful for... oatmeal cookies with butterscotch chips. From the kitchen... the dishwasher will get my time when I get back from class! I am wearing... a warm cotton sweater and jeans, and more moisturizer on my skin than I would have imagined wanting just a few years ago. Yup, it's drying up after age 50! I am creating... a new family-flock o