
Showing posts from 2008

A Sad Day

The Simple Woman's Day Book FOR TODAY: Monday December 29, 2008 Outside My Window's too dark to see anything - it's 11:22 p.m. I'm looking out a different window now, anyway, since we moved my computer from the dining room to my new office in a bedroom. I am thinking ...that I saw the bad news coming. I couldn't connect the home network, though I'd worked on it all morning. I left the house to get my workout and couldn't easily shake the disappointment I felt in myself. Late this evening we got the email that told of one of our family's marriages being in trouble. I am thankful for ...the fact that no matter how dark times have gotten in my life, I've never totally "lost it". I know, I just know, that God's hand is with me. That place of stillness is unmatched, and His presence often more keenly felt in the dark, lonely places of the night. He doesn't often speak to me in English - it's an understanding of the heart. B

FOR TODAY: December 10, 2008

Outside My Window...three little kitties are scrunched together by my door waiting for their breakfast, huge dewdrops are clinging to the wire fence, mister rooster is proclaiming his roosterliness, and the fog is gripping the fir trees as the sun attempts to drive it away. I am thinking...I would like a new camera, but maybe words can paint better pictures. I am thankful for...a warm house and a hot cup of tea. From the kitchen...I hear a sigh and I know why. My kitchen activities have been seriously neglected since fall term started. That will change after my FINAL final tonight! I am jogging suit and birkenstock sandals. I'll fix my hair after my swim. I am creating...a list of contacts to pursue for more transcription work. I am my parents' house to add our gifts to theirs for my son overseas. Thank you for serving, A.P.! I am medical transcription textbook. I am hoping...that my part in the Christmas celebration at church will help enco

"Playing" Church at the Family Reunion

I'm seeing twenty-odd young cousins, ranging from toddlers to teens. A large, extended, musically-gifted preacher family all converging on Uncle Doyle and Aunt Helen's central home from Indiana, Texas, California, or wherever we'd scattered. We're talking road trip here. Air conditioning was all the windows rolled down blowing hot air on your face till your eyes dried up, creating a permanent squint. That is, except for the window Mom needed rolled UP to hold the diaper over the glass to shade the cranky baby so she could sleep (on her lap - there were no car seats). From the Willamette Valley, we'd drive to Prineville to spend the night with Uncle Paul's family, then get up before the sun to head for Utah - in one day! When we arrived, all we wanted to do was lay on the cool grass, and of course, eat, and eat, and eat, and play with our cousins. Hot summers in Utah in a small house with few beds, small rooms, one kitchen, and ONE BATHROOM. The spill-over arriv

Notes for today: Nov. 22, 2008

FOR TODAY November 22, 2008 Outside My Window... the sun just broke through the fog, the morning shadows are yawning and stretching across the dew-drenched pasture. I am thinking... that I'm toeing the end of the diving board, getting ready to leap into my morning work. I am thankful for... work I enjoy so much that I'll give it my full Saturday. From the kitchen... plans are coming together for a pot of venison stew. I am wearing... stretchy warm clothes. I am creating... a cleaner house (Thanksgiving guests will fill it up next week). I am going... to stay home alone today. My husband is out hunting--a beautiful morning to sit in a tree stand. I am reading... A Small Book About God , by Roy Hicks, Jr. I am hoping... more hens will lay. I am hearing... the washing machine, the dryer, and a once-in-awhile snap from the woodstove. Around the house... actually, things are kinda dirty. Fall term is just about over and I'll devote myself to law and order again. One of my favor

My Real Dad

Ben says, "My Dad used to carry me on his shoulders. I knew he would catch me if I slipped off. He was so tall and strong!" "When I was 4, my Dad went away. He's been gone so long I'm afraid he'll never come back. No one will tell me where he is! Sometimes I'm mad at him and scream into my pillow till I think I want to die ." "I just wish I knew what I did to make him leave. I want to grow up NOW, so I can find him and tell him I'm sorry..." "But for now, I have a REAL Dad who holds me every night--even when I'm screaming. He talks to my heart and makes me feel okay. I feel like He's holding me high on His shoulders, so I can see far away--almost to heaven!" "I love my real Dad!" +X+X+X+X+story inspired by my foster childrenX+X+X+X+X+


The hen I valued the least is giving me the biggest, brownest eggs; and most often! I found her on Craigslist with her sister - two old biddies past their prime, but free for the taking. It was late in August, and I was wanting a little flock before the weather turned. I signed up at under the name of Spent-Hen. (Yea, there's a correlation there!) I hungrily searched for more chickens, found two more, sold two, found one, then bought five with my birthday money. Chickens in my backyard are great stress-relief! I enjoy watching mindless birds out my kitchen window. It's entertainment like no other! What's especially funny is that our three kittens would approach the rooster (who was prone to attack my leg and subsequently get kicked across the yard) like there was no threat to their safety. They've even spent the night locked up in the henhouse with the birds. That's weird. Notice I referred to the rooster in the past tense? Three days ago he d

Come and See

I didn't blog last week. I was concerned with mid-term exams and late assignments, and the election. I want to say that the "let down" I felt the day after the election was the same feeling as the "day after Christmas" blues, but it wasn't. It was a bit more foreboding than that. As I allowed my mind to explore the core of it all, two scriptures came to my mind. This was one of them: Philip found Nathanael and told him, "We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets also wrote--Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph." "Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?" Nathanael asked. "Come and see," said Philip. John 1:45-46 NIV That's simply what I'm hearing in my spirit right now--a voice whispering in my heart beckoning me to "come and see". I like that invitation! No promises or revelations about Republicans and Democrats, or financial and international policies. Just c

Friday Thoughts

FOR TODAY: October 31, 2008 Outside My Window... the rain is still not serious about Fall. The golden leaves are just waiting for a good storm to knock them off and send them on a wild ride! I am thinking... it is good to love the Lord. I found it very irritating as a teen, when my Grandma Ina would ask me about some of my friends, "Does he love the Lord? In my religious and righteous self, I thought there were more important things to assess than just their love for God. (what about how well they perform?) But it's true. His heart wants our heart's love. "You shall love the Lord your God with ALL your heart..." I am thankful for... oatmeal cookies with butterscotch chips. From the kitchen... the dishwasher will get my time when I get back from class! I am wearing... a warm cotton sweater and jeans, and more moisturizer on my skin than I would have imagined wanting just a few years ago. Yup, it's drying up after age 50! I am creating... a new family-flock o

My Weakness... is enough

In my smallness, I will praise Him In my weakness and my pain I will praise Him Whom have I in heaven, but You? And ya know, beside You I desire nothing on earth. My body and my resolve may fail, but You are the strength of Kathy, and all I want or need forever. (from Psalm 37) I sat heavily into the worn, padded seat on the small bus heading into the saddest area of Ndola, Zambia. The before lively group of teenage Zambians grew increasingly quiet, as it seemed the weight of the world descended in their minds. Those of us with whiter faces were taking it all in, but not really understanding. Brian noticed my cluelessness and explained, “This is one of our graveyards. It is full now, and more graveyards are being developed to bury all our dead.” I’d never heard of a shortage of graveyards before. What was I doing there, anyway? What did I have to offer this hurting people? Just hours before we had worshipped with them, with their music, with their peers, learning their songs, trying

Simply Busy Woman entry

FOR TODAY Friday, October 17 Outside My Window... daylight has arrived in soft, foggy grays. I am thinking... I now have the busy, productive work and learning schedule I've been wanting for so long. I am thankful for... my warm, quiet house. From the kitchen... a bag of frozen crock-pot makin's is waiting in the sink. Chicken and dumplings for dinner tonight, yum! I am wearing... my sweatshirt no longer - a hot flash just hit! I am creating... a plan for juggling my homework, proofreading, and transcribing. I am going... to school in 3 hours. I am reading... "The Shack," by William P. Young. I highly, highly, highly recommend it. I am hoping... to get a chicken cage built tomorrow. A small flock of Silver-Spangled Hamburg Bantams are likely showing up next week, THEN we can work on the coop! I am hearing... a large truck coming up my road. It's not a garbage truck - it came yesterday. Must be some road work going on (we live on gravel), or logging, or farm-relate

Simple Woman - Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Outside My Window...the sun is warming the soaked ground and the kitties are looking for little bugs to pounce on. I am thinking... too much about getting some chickens. I am thankful for... my wonderful husband. From the kitchen... the pork is thawing in the sink. I am wearing... my hair pinned up at the sides. I am creating... a new life-work by studying and exploring my options. I am going... to take two packages to the post office. I am reading... Thou Shall Prosper , by Rabbi Daniel Lapin I am hoping... I get a good score on my anatomy and physiology exam! I am hearing... silence, but for the hum of my computer's fan and the keys clicking. Around the house... three empty bedrooms - my daughter is housesitting and everyone else has moved out. One of my favorite things... a clean handkerchief. A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: after my exam and swim, I plan to meet Bonnie tomorrow for some girl time. Here is picture thought I am sharing...View of Colorado from my husband

A Grandma in Love

Last night we celebrated the departure of our niece, who will be gone for 10 months working at the Dream Center in Los Angeles. It's a broad-based down-to-earth street ministry that meets the needs of many different populations in a very needy area of LA. We're proud of her, worried about her, happy for her, and already missing her. But guess who stole the show? My 2-year old grandson danced and ran and screeched in delight as he played with my son. Yes, it was a very family-friendly pizza parlour. Yes, it was probably disturbing to some. Yes, we should have quieted him sooner... but we were having so much fun! Sure enough, my little grand-guy wore out and had to make the rounds to tell us all good-bye. When he got to a older grandma he didn't know, he stole her heart anyway. They exchanged a few words, then he planted one on her. The sparkles in her eyes were almost blinding the rest of us, as she said, "He kissed me, right here!" She was definitely smitten!

Old Folks on Bikes

To celebrate my birthday this week (I'm over 50), I stayed with my parents for a couple of days (they're over 70). Husband was away on a long hunting trip, kids are grown and busy, grandkids napping, classes starting next week - so I enjoyed my freedom! We haven't gotten old yet . I can tell this is true, because we had one of those NEW moments. I went bike-riding with my Dad! I'm sure I've followed him on a bike before. I recall we each had, including Mom, a bicycle leaning against the wall in the shed when we were children. We had to have used them, I just don't remember. My folks live in a retirement neighborhood. (I'm almost old enough to have a place there right alongside them!) My father, always the gentleman, led me around the neighborhood at an easy pace. We talked little, teased some, greeted a few neighbors, and relished the quiet. I have a camera in my mind, and I periodically capture moments that I don't want to ever forget. The image I see

Wednesday, Not Monday Simple Woman...oops!

Leave it to me to break some rule! Instead of updating my Simple Woman Monday snippets this Monday, I played. My birthday was this week, so I stayed at my parents' house for a few days. With daughter busy with nephews and preparations for Fall term, and hubby gone hunting, I played! FOR TODAY September 24, 2008 (Not Monday) Outside My Window... I have a feeling we just started our fall rains this afternoon. I can hear the trickles coursing through the downspout, and the formerly dry, crispy grass is looking like soggy cereal. I am thinking... it's time to get ready for leading the Financial Peace class tonight. I am thankful for... the opportunity for my husband to be with his buddies hunting in the mountains - and HOURS of extended solitude! From the kitchen... I smell apples becoming apple butter in the crock pot. I am wearing... my jogging suit again. Gotta get on my exercise bike. I am creating... plans to build a chicken coop. I am going... to call Jim to remind him to bri

The Simple Woman 9-15-2008

FOR TODAY: September 15, 2008 Outside My Window: The sunlight is creeping through the dry, overgrown grasses in the pasture and reaching toward my weedy yard, where the young rooster is trying to crow like a grown-up. I am thinking... it's going to be above 90 degrees today and I'd better close the windows! I am thankful... for these quiet, relaxing days before I start my Fall Term. Also, I wrote in my journal last night how thankful I was for progesterone cream. To me it's essential for regulating the insomnia and depression that I've been dealing with in my menopausal state. From the kitchen... I wonder why I just don't like cooking any more. I am wearing... my jogging suit and fleece jacket, 'cause right now the house is COLD! - and I'm getting ready for my workout. I am creating... a plan to get an apple pie in the oven this morning. I am going... nowhere today. I am reading... from the book of Ephesians in the Bible. I am hoping... to find encouragement


What am I getting myself into? I just registered for my fall term. I've never taken a full load of college courses before. The issue is simple - that I already have full-time work running my household and nurturing my marriage. Though the children are grown I'll still be the domestic engineer here! Meal coordinator, materials purchaser, building maintenance overseer, financial manager, vehicle maintenance coordinator, events planner, research specialist... Okay, the panic is over. This is actually going to be fun! I've gotta run with it - and not fear. Somehow God has prepared me for this, and I'm not too old to learn...and all those other encouraging things I need to remember!

Free Food for the Frugal

I've been reading about Warren Buffet this month, and learning more about investing, risks, and taking calculated advantage of great opportunities... Our property is located on an abandoned orchard, and there are a few apple trees remaining here and there. Only rarely do we see enough apples on a tree to get a pie out of it, though. We don't take care of them at all. One year I allowed my boys to use the walnut-sized fruit as ammunition in their war games! (I joined 'em!) Okay, I'll get more honest. I started it! A few seasons back I asked my Air Force son to prune one back for me. Basically, I'd hoped he'd butcher it well, so that it would remain in its boundaries for a long time. This is a strange year! That same tree has decided to grow so many apples that its overlong branches are bending like the McDonald's arches with the weight. Since I'm hanging out at home alone this month, waiting for my busy fall term of classes to start - I'm harvesting

Back into Chickens

Okay, this seems totally weird, but I've got chickens again! I just couldn't help it. I'm going to school full-time next term, and here I am diving in to chickens! What am I thinking? I'll tell you what... they are the project, the relief, the diversion that I need right now. Anyway, that sounds like a good excuse. I told my husband that "I'm a woman, and my children are gone, and I need something to nurture". That's a good excuse, too! At any rate, here's my new word: frugalmaniac! I'm determined to NOT spend excessive amounts of cash on these birds. Look at the picture (if I can post it correctly) - I'm using the plastic compost bin for their housing, letting them eat table scraps and bits of this and that all day, and confining them for their safety at night. The picture shows a ground-level holding pen for chicks. That window she's looking out of is where a drawer used to be: it's the piece that fit under my kids' bunk beds

The Purpose of Eating

Because of the remarkable changes that I'll be seeing in my life in the next few months, I felt the time had come for me to fast. One thing I've learned is that it doesn't work for me to sign any kind of contract when I fast. I merely step into very shallow water, then discover as I make progress that I am able to, and want to go deeper. Then I wait till I feel the work is done, and I resume eating. One thing that seemed right, as I prayed about it and read the Scriptures, was that I didn't want to take any kind of food at all, not even sugar in my tea. I drank lots of herb teas, but nothing caffeinated. And I had no clue how long it would last. I started just thinking that I would go meal by meal, and I felt the Lord enable me. As a teenager I found the book, God's Chosen Fast , by Arthur Wallis. I refer to it when I'm fasting (which isn't very often), but it's wonderfully informative and simple. I would recommend it to anyone. As I began eating again,

Living for Joy

"Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior. The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights." Habakkuk 3:17-19 NIV ______________ This may sound depressing, but let’s look a little deeper. This scripture “according to Kathy” would go like this: "Though the list of things I need may be long, very long, overwhelming and impossibly long; yet I will rejoice in my Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior. My strength and my joy comes from the Lord, who is Sovereign; He can give me strength no matter what I have and He enables me to walk in the highest places!" This week I am encouraged (and yes, joyful!) that God has heard my prayer concerning employment, and His blessing is coming soon. With

Green, yellow, red, brown, blue, purple

The August grass is crunchy beneath my sneakers, and every step stirs up a little "poof" of dust and attaches itself to the hem of my jeans. Trudging across the yard to the garbage cart through the sunshiny yellow dandelions whipping my ankles, I decide that the differences in the seasons is actually refreshing. I am spoiled by the naturalness of the color GREEN in our part of Oregon. Green just happens. I love seeing the weed flowers by the side of the road that I call "July Flowers". They seem to glow blue! And though I see patches of golden brown grass seed farms and blackberries starting to blush red and purple, green still rules! The hillsides are covered with deep green timber and Christmas trees. I relished the smell of ripened grain baking in the sun as I drove home last night. Then the wind carried in the fragrance of fresh mint from the field. If the seasons didn't bring changes, I might never notice some of these things. If there were only evergreen t

My Path Turned South

UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE: I am studying Medical Transcription and Medical Terminology. My proofreading business is in hibernation for now. You know, these twists and turns in my life aren't always fun. Tonight I am uneasy and confused about my future work. I retired from foster care a year and a half ago, and I'm still unsettled. Long ago I learned that when a man (husband, father) loses his job, he normally fights depression and questions his value as a provider. I had no idea I'd have similar struggles as an "empty nester". Wow. I thought I had this all figured out long ago; but no, now I'm back to "what is the meaning of my life?" I spent so many years in the mother-of-young-ones profession, that I have to continually tell myself that I am talented, smart, equipped and skilled in other areas as well. That's the hard part - the self-talk. Not too many people will walk up to a floundering 52-year old student and tell her she's talented, smart,

How Interesting...

...that my last post reflected my thoughts on death, and now, after a relative's memorial service this weekend I am starting to build relationships with cousins I haven't seen in 30 years! Building on old contacts. It's just interesting. In addition, this just happens to be the week that our former foster daughter, "K", is visiting. Two years ago we thought we were going to adopt her. It still feels like she's ours, but we share her with another foster family and her brothers. That's interesting, too! Now she's back in her old bedroom where my grown son found her with tears in her eyes. This, after he dunked her in our horse tank and chased her around the backyard like a kid (he's almost 30). She said she was sad because she wants to be with us. When she's with the other family, she wants to be with them. She misses both places. She wants to be an active part of our family and play with her so-called nieces and nephews as they grow up - like sh

Death - A Gift From God

As I was folding the laundry yesterday I heard an odd sound from my knees. It was a slippery-squeaky sort of sound, like smooth plastic sliding over smooth plastic. I investigated further, and sure enough, as I shifted my weight even slightly I would hear it. Have you seen the version of the Cinderella story where one of the stepsisters had a knee that creaks? The prince tried to get her to "creak" in time with the music they were dancing to. Last winter I went through therapy for my knees to strengthen the surrounding muscles. Now they're making squeaky music! Once again I'm considering my own mortality. Why is that so difficult, anyway? Every human on this planet knows about death. Everyone dies. We all have hopes that our lives (and our knees) will get better and better as time passes, and yet we also know what's coming. Why I think that death is a gift from God: We're not what we want to be. We lost the original glory of life that God breathed into us when

Bowling Ball Head

He thought his head was too big? Where did he get that idea? My second son confided in his wife – he had known since he was a small child that his head was too big and he had always been conscious of it. Why did he think that? For a few minutes I was completely lost for an explanation. I wanted to be angry, or offended, or something! How could he think he was less than wonderful – after the way I’d raised him? Then I knew. His brother, my firstborn, resembles the part of the family with a narrower profile and longer-shaped faces. Being my first, his head squeezed more easily through the never-before stretched birth canal. But my second son was a heftier build with a rounder face and head. One of our family stories is about how quickly his birthing progressed because of his weight (gravity, I guess) and his competition with his brother. The story goes, “he needed to get here to set his brother straight”. Labor was only 2 and ½ hours! Of my four children, he resembled the other branch of

Catching up...

I've been busy helping Carolyn get her blog up and running. She wants to write about Israel, where she lived for several years. Visit her at . Now isn't helping a friend a good excuse for neglecting my own blog? In brutal honesty I must confess that the real reason I haven't kept up with my posts is that I've been swaying here and there in my vocational choices again. It's kinda embarrassing. It could even appear unprofessional, but that's the way it is. I hid out in the cave of indecision for awhile, but now I'm ready to step out in faith (again) and expose myself (again). It's not blind faith, for my Guide sees everything clearly! My husband and I have decided that I should add Medical Transcription education to my summer schedule. I prayed and weighed the decision carefully, and this is where I've landed! After just one class meeting I realized that transcription is right up the same alley as proofreading for b

Dragged Him Up the Hill, part 2

I yawned and stretched my one free arm up above my head. I allowed myself the luxury, for these few moments, to study his face. Deciding that I didn’t want to have a care in the world just then, I forgot everything and just adored him lying limp across my lap. His precious face looked so much like his father that I felt like the young mother that I had been just 29 years ago! --and so much like his mother that I relived some of my memories of her antics as a child. But his parents don’t share any physical similarities between them. Wow. Sometimes I looked back at the drivers speeding by. Other times I kept my head down. I wondered if they could see the grays in my hair, and if they thought he was nursing. Oh, well. Leave them guessing! What does a 2 year-old dream about? This boy’s favorite food is pancakes. He likes super-heroes and strumming his little guitar. I couldn’t tell where his mind was, but he was enjoying it. When it was time to get up, my legs almost wouldn’t lift us. My k

Dragged Him Up the Hill, part 1

We got our shoes on and stepped outside into the sunshine. It’s slow going when you’re only 2 years old, but as we made our way hand-in-hand down the steps of our deck, I knew it was going to be a fine adventure. Apparently my grandson hasn’t been outside much, at least not in a rural area. Our gravel road is almost a mile long, a fine road for long walks with trails into the Christmas tree farm on either side. He stuck close to me, unsure of himself. My goal was to get to the mailbox, and perhaps meet his mama coming home. But it turned into more of a test of my physical stamina than I had planned on! His little legs were dragging by the time we got to the bottom of the hill. I had packed him a few times, but this little guy is hefty! I diverted his attention from his tiredness by pointing out daisies, dead Christmas trees, and good places to throw rocks. And we talked about mama. And airplanes. And Spider-man. We found our little patch of hard dirt shaded by a fir tree, and sat down

Eustace the Dragon

If you have read the series "The Chronicles of Narnia", by C. S. Lewis, you might remember the boy Eustace who finds his troubles escalating due to a series of bad choices, bad attitudes, and difficult circumstances. In his misery he awakens to discover that he is wearing the skin of a dragon. He rather enjoyed it at first – thinking of ways he could exert his new power to terrorize the ones whom he had perceived as his enemies. But then his appearance and dragon-appetites disgusted him, and he found himself trapped in the crusty skin of his reality. My thought at this point in the story was, "A-ha, justice is served!" But one can't help sympathize with him eventually because of his remorse and hopelessness. His entire condition sickened him, and reduced him to depression, loneliness and tears. Remember Aslan, the Lion? In response to Eustace's plight, the mighty Lion comes to him and begins cutting away the dragon skin with his claws - something Eustace had

My Life On the Edge

My computer is 5 years old and it hums. Though I've been told it's a bad sign, I've backed up all my files and plan to use it till it dies. Our car is 11 years old and has 225k miles on it. It runs fine with no problems, except that the ignition sticks sometimes and the dome light doesn't work. It's been paid-for for years, so we basically have free transportation! My dishwasher screams, so I refrain from running it while my husband is home. The repair guy says that it may be particles that the chopper has chopped, and will eventually dissipate. Otherwise, we might need a new pump. It's a name brand, only 1 year old, so I'm holding out on the idea that it'll just get better on its own. We're still living on one income. I am a full-time homemaker, part-time student and working on a business start-up, and we're helping our daughter in college. The amazing thing is that our savings account is VERY healthy. If we chose to, we could buy a new computer

Top of the Tree

The spring chill crawled into our cozy home as we lounged on the couch tonight. I pulled a blanket up to my chin during a boring scene in the movie, and my husband's head dropped back as he felt his evening "doze" coming on. I wondered how many movie endings he had missed! As I snuggled down I realized how good this life is. A couch, a movie, a simple meal inside me. My daughter tapped her homework on the computer keys, or she would have been sitting beside us. More likely, she would have planted herself right in between us! My husband agreed that a small fire would be good tonight, to warm the house just a bit. As I stepped outside for some wood, I looked up to the top of the nearest fir tree and said, "Thank you". That's all. No eloquence there. Well, maybe there is eloquence there! Thank you to a God I cannot see or explain. Thank you to the good, the comforting, the presence, the wellness. Thank you for the friendly smiles I saw today. Thank you for it

Now My Web Site is Down

Because I was unable to update my Web pages last week, I deleted my Web site to start over. I think the problem was that I moved the folders within My Documents, so my server couldn't find them. That's a good theory (I think), but I have had the hardest time getting it up and running again. I can't figure it out. Moving folders around - I think the need to rearrange things runs in my family. My dad worked part-time for a moving company and was proud of his ability to load a truck so that everything fit perfectly. That worked well for him, but for me: the Web site folder needs to stay put! So I changed its name to: Closer Look Proofreading - do not move this folder! Learning new things can be so hard, but I guess that's what makes it rewarding. That sounds right, but at this particular moment I don't like it. I feel stressed about it because I made some contacts at the Oregon Christian Writers Conference last week, and now they can't find my Web site. Rats! Doesn

My new Web site is up - thanks to frugaltude!

Today's E-mail to my contacts: I am experiencing a burst of exuberant joy just now, and doing a little "happy dance" around the dining room! Amazingly, I was able to learn to build and publish my own Web site (with encouragement from some of my friends). This is a huge hurdle for me as I build my clientele, and I'm so glad it's out there! Have a look and offer suggestions, if you wish. Thank you so much for your advice, prayers, and support. Blessings to you, -- Kathy Davis. Web site: --in writing, little things make a BIG difference! ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Though it required many long hours of work, I am so pleased! Josh Asbury from pointed me towards web hosting with because he understood that I needed to start small. When I need more web-related services, I'll be back to talk more with him! He is geared up to help position my site on the Web so that I might attract more attenti

Oregon Christian Writers Conference

In two more days I will attend my first writers conference! Gathering up my courage and absorbing the wisdom of others, I have begun to take the next "baby step" on my road to... Where is it I am going? - a proofreader? Oh, yeah... I get lost so easily. My Lord calls me His sheep. He knows me very well. I trip along through the grass, munching and chasing; then something catches my eye. I look down at my feet and see that they are off the path! Oh, no! How did that happen? I am a sheep. "Baaa!" I expect I will be dramatically overwhelmed by teachers, authors, publishing staff, displays, choices, and speakers at the conference. At times I will be like a kid in a candy store, and other times I'll be . . . (lost!) Will I be the only proofreader there? Will I be the only one who doesn't talk fast? Will I appear as close to clueless as I feel? "Baaa!" I'm so glad that God loves sheep! --note of explanation: this post displays fragmented thoughts be

Building my Web site

My Web site is under construction this week! My goal is to have meat on its bare-bones existence before Saturday, May 17 - the date for the Oregon Writers Conference in Eugene. What I am hoping to learn today is how to change the "letterhead" of the site, moving the title and tag line directly to the right of the picture. Currently, it is situated below the picture and leaves too much white space for my liking. Content is more important to me right now, though. One of my pages is entitled, What is a proofreader? and another is, Do I need a proofreader? Time to get busy and write! (This is "way" too fun!) Learning to build a Web site has been fascinating for me. Over the years I have said that I enjoy "arranging things on paper". I studied calligraphy in my teens, and created several wedding invitations for my peers. It matters to me how things appear in print, both the images and the text. Maybe I'll take a class in Web design one day! THOUGHT OF THE

I'm Too Old For This

At least, I want to think I am. I am too old to try to build my own Web site! Can you hear the rhythmic thumping of my head banging against my desk? With encouragement from many I have embarked on this new adventure in learning. I have a domain name ( ), and I'm waiting to see something appear when I type* that into my Web browser to prove it! I decided last night, after four hours of working on domain searches and Web site-related tutorials, that when I read that "The webmaster has not yet uploaded any files to this site. Check back soon!" it's talking about ME! Kathy's the "Web master?" Oh, my! One thing I have practiced this past year is to ask God to encourage me when I need it. I have been encouraged! Thank you, Josh Asbury of ! Thanks also to Dan Miller and his book, 48 Days to the Work You Love! To my friends from The Christian PEN - Proofreaders and Editors Network who have only sup

Like No Other Son

“My A . . .” is what you called yourself as a baby. You’ve always known who you were. Big brother "J" would go left, you would go right. "J" would go right; you would go left, because you knew you were "A . . ."! In the middle of adventures you were the shepherd-brother-hero. You kept an eye on little sister and held her when she cried, you showed little brother how to stick Lego’s together, and you gave "J" some great game ideas – all at the same time. I’m fishing around in my head tonight to find words, and because I’ve been scrutinizing words most of the day – new ones aren’t coming to me easily. (I’m in the middle of a proofing project.) What I would really like is to look into your eyes, again; and try to decide what color they are, again. I’d like to wrap my arm around your neck, and tell you “happy birthday”. I would love to watch you play with your son and adore your wife. Instead I am sitting here late at night trying to pull up some wor

I Am Allowed to Stare At Him

I am allowed to stare at him. I am his mother. I admire the man he is. His was the soft little fuzzy head, my infant son, that I cradled on my arm and caressed with my hand. He doesn’t know how my eyes are adoring his profile, following the line from the top of his forehead to his chin - so familiar to me. I watch him handle his instrument, engrossed in his craft. He is unaware of the power of the love I have for him. Because the emotion is screwing up my face, I have to divert my eyes and distract my thoughts. If I look any longer, I’ll embarrass myself in this public place; but maybe that would be okay. I turn my eyes to my child’s child, dozing on his mother’s shoulder; his fuzzy head hanging limp. How beautiful the pride of motherhood looks on her – who is carrying another child I cannot see. Thank you, Lord, for joy in my motherhood! + + + + + + + + + + + Perched in the choir near my husband and daughter, I could observe my son on his guitar. What a blessed woman I am, to stand an

Nothing Like Being a Mom

Simply put, I was made to be a mom. After I married my husband in 1978, I discovered that my history of job descriptions all added up. I was meant to be a mom. Following high school I worked as a dishwasher, child care provider, cook, teachers’ aide, sandwich maker, and building maintenance worker. My free time was spent in Bible study, singing and playing guitar, outdoor adventures and journaling. My faith, which I also call my “self-talk”, said that if God created my body to bear and nurture children, then he must have intended me to be a Mom. Out of respect for his design, I must say that he did a complete work; therefore the next step in my reasoning faith was to say “I can do it, because he designed me to”. Because of his loving creative power, I would see tremendous success, enjoyment, and satisfaction in this. Besides these reasonings, my desire for motherhood was strong (second only to my desire for a godly marriage). Sure enough, when my first child was born – I knew my calli

Arthroscopic Surgery Still HURTS!

He is sure that he was told he'd need his crutches only 2-3 days, then he'd be on his feet. Like he says, "that ain't happenin'!" My husband had knee surgery Tuesday, and today he's going a bit stir-crazy (Friday). Apart from the pain and stiffness, his backside is just tired of being sat on! His head is weary with watching videos. Acquaintences who have had arthroscopic surgery have said that it's far easier to recover from, and less painful, than conventional surgeries. Perhaps the medical personnel were just giving him a rosy "best case scenario", so he wouldn't be fretful before the procedure. Maybe he just heard the information differently than I would have, had I been there. I dunno . . . It's just not going the way he had expected.

Strengthen My Frugaltude

Frugaltude It means an "attitude of frugality". A strong word, like the word "fortitude". I want to strengthen this quality, so here are my thoughts on it: Being content with little, delaying satisfaction for greater pleasure at a later time. Enjoying simple pleasures in life NOW. Anticipating simple pleasures growing in scope, duration, or value LATER. Like fertile seeds that we've been given or have harvested ourselves; some we eat, some we share, and some we put in the ground to harvest later. The picture I see in my mind is of a woman in Africa scooping up spilled rice in the dirt, to sift out later in the privacy of her home. She works quickly, fingering the individual grains of rice and putting them in her basket. She may be poor, or she may just have frugaltude! Perhaps she can offer some of her recovered rice to a missionary pastor, or invite a hungry friend to a meal to share the gospel with her . . . One aspect of my frugaltude is to avoid going into a

Spring Term

Today is the first day of spring term for my daughter and me. She's taking two classes at a local community college, determined to get through school without incurring debt. "You go, girl!" I am taking a music class (voice) and a writing class. I am a background vocalist/worship leader, and I am a proofreader. I would love to excel in both things, but I don't know what my future is in either venue. Simply put, I will worship God and sing to Him, as the psalmist says, "as long as I have breath". As for proofreading, I still entertain doubts as to how I will make it my business, therefore I am also taking a course from Kathy Ide, of The Christian PEN. It's title is, "Establishing Your Freelance Business". I know I need to pray and clarify my mission statement , so that I can stay on track, so I will get to that sometime in the next few days. (Probably not today, since I must play with my little grandson!) I could start it like this: "The des

Welcome Home, "K"!

It is so good to have you back home, "K" ! You have always brought blessing and joy to us, and I knew this visit would be no different. We adopted you in our hearts just weeks after you came to stay with us five years ago. Remember that I told you my goal was to have our home be "your last foster home" ? I could tell that you had a deeper level of peace in your soul after that. We proved that we were committed to being your family, and that's what we became. Though you left us twice, we never saw you damaged by the disruptions. Wow. We love you, "K" . It's funny how I am actually happy that we get to share you with your birth family AND your current foster family. It would have been unheard of to me just a few years ago! I was so sure that adoption was the best plan for you, for EVERY child, but God changed my heart. Wow, again. Thanks for coming home again. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Metamorphoses-from child, to adult, to what?

I'm sure I spelled that right: metamorphoses has to be the plural form of metamorphosis. A very dramatic change. Yup, that's what happened to me, again! Anyway, my insight of the week is this, that my entire bodily chemistry changed me in many ways, if not in EVERY way, from a young girl into a grown woman. That was just a few years ago. Okay, it was actually about forty years ago! I'm at the tail-end of the Baby Boomer generation, but maybe none of the others would admit it...that this change is just as real! Hit me across the head with a two-by-four! My goodness! OUCH! I am no longer a mother of young children, okay, I'll say it...."I'm no longer a young mother", period! I'll even be more honest - "I'm no longer young". gulp! I wanted to use all my years of experience, all the wisdom of my age, the strength of my conviction and my heart-felt love for these children. I didn't have what it took to mother them the way that they neede

Why Our Foster Children Left After Three Days

The sweet little girl, " A ", and her darling brother, " J ", presented with far more difficulties than I could manage last week. It was humbling to me, as a professional MOTHER, to call for help after having them in my home just a few hours . Wow! I anticipated that " J " was going to be a physical and mental challenge. I fell in love with the little guy, and thought I might be able to help him. The reason I had to throw in the towel was because I could find no way to keep him from being violent against his sister. Whether his autism is a correct diagnosis or not, he just didn't process information the way any of the children I've dealt with in the past have processed. Nothing I tried worked. Wow, again! I decided I could tolerate the chairs being knocked over and legos everywhere, for now. I could duck the toys flying at my head, because his facial expression didn't show anger or hostility. Perhaps I could help him think of more acceptable g

The Children Left My Door on Wednesday

It was a rough three days, but I'll have to explain more later... ctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctctct

The Children Will Arrive at My Door on Monday


We're On! - Foster Update

Two and one half weeks ago the children I've been praying for entered foster care for the second time in three months. We were called to become a placement for them, should they not be able to return to one of their parents. In court today it was determined that neither parent was able to care for them at this time, so their children will be placed in our custody. We requested that their current foster placement keep them over the weekend, since we'd made arrangements to help my mother-in-law with her move to a new home. I was told that the children may need to move before the weekend. The case worker said initially that it should be a short-term placement, but, as my husband says, "it's not set in stone". They could be with us a very long time. So, after wiping the sweat off of my head and neck (I've been riding my exercise bike!) I called our certifier to inform her of our need to expediate the process of recertification. The little girl is 4, her brother is

Waiting, But Not Idle

My husband and I have decided that I should begin (once again) to actively pursue my career in proofreading with Christian publishers. It's not because a week has passed since I quit my jobs and I'm desperate, but because God hasn't led me away from going that direction! I've been reading the book of Jeremiah this month. As I quieted myself one evening before reading, I began to ask God some questions about the future of the children I may be caring for. This is what I came to: "This is what the Lord, the God of Israel says: 'Like these good figs, I regard as good the exiles from Judah, whom I sent away from this place to the land of the Babylonians. My eyes will watch over them for their good, and I will bring them back to this land. I will build them up and not tear them down; I will plant them and not uproot them. I will give them a heart to know Me, that I am the Lord. They will be My people, and I will be their God, for they will return to Me with all the

Still Waiting for the Children

On this beautifully sunny, quiet Saturday morning I'd like to update our foster care situation. The case worker is doing an awesome job working on the children's case, to assess their needs and plans for them. I hear bits of news through the grapevine about her progress, and I am pleased at her thoroughness. Since the children are currently in a foster family that's willing to be flexible with their length of stay, there's really no reason to hurriedly pull them out and relocate them. I have some anxiety about my own situation right now, too. I'm in a state of limbo, of insecurity, about my own future. The children may not be placed with us after all! Maybe only one of them will come. I'm getting a lot of tasks done at home - organizing, planning, exercising. I'm actually working harder than I did when I was employed away from home! I've made time to take long walks and talk to God during the day. I listen, and I ask Him for different things, but it all

The Leap

I took my daughter with me to the DHS office yesterday afternoon. I was expecting to bring the children (ages 3 and 4) home with me after a visit with their mother, but we didn’t. It turned out to be a “get re-acquainted time” with them, which was good. We got to observe and interact with them, and be supportive to a mother who has to see her children taken away to a stranger’s home. THE MOTHER Because of our relationship with her, I felt that I could come close and take her in my arms and just hold onto her. She pressed her face into my shoulder and wept for a few minutes. She has such a hard road ahead of her! I hoped she could grasp the words I offered, that God was big enough to take care of her children and she could trust Him. God will make the seeds (my efforts) grow and bear fruit. I TOOK THE LEAP OF FAITH Have you seen the illustration on the cover of John Eldredge’s book, Wild at Heart? It’s a silhouette of a man taking a leap off of one boulder to another. I feel that I am

We Got the Call...Again

This time it's two children who are known to us! My last post was an announcement that I had started my desired career in Proofreading. One year ago this month my husband and I retired from foster parenting. We were sure we were done. Yesterday we were called by acquaintances - with the request to rescue their children from a stranger's foster home and take them into ours. Wow! If I am to become a foster mother again, then I must devote all my energy to it and give the children my best. That means putting the brakes on all the dreams I've dreamed and plans I've planned this whole year! The only thing I can say is that this has to be one of those "adventures" of life. Wow! I should be alarmed, I suppose; but the problem is - this may be God's design! It's possible that all we've been through as a family has had God's hand on it, to bring us to this day when we'd be available to care for these two precious children that He made! My husband a

First Proofreading Job!

TODAY! I started today! I completed my first proofreading work for a website - AND received positive feedback for my efforts. A satisfied customer! Okay, she's my friend; but still, it's a gift from God and my proofreading career has begun! Today! YEA! I told God, when I felt that tug on my heart to become a foster parent, that I would commit to one child, and if I was done after that I would be satisfied to just help the one. I challenged my husband to try just one . All I want is to not back off of something challenging because of my own fear. If it turns out to be sour, then I'll spit it out and try a different fruit! I have done one proofreading job. He has answered my longing. Tomorrow is in His hands. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New Winds Are Blowing

My dreams of becoming a proofreader by trade are materializing! It's been about a month since I talked with anyone about proofreading work, so I contacted my mentor, Bethany, last week. I've only spoken with her once before, but she is so inviting and encouraging to me that I had to get back on track and figure out how to do the "next thing". I upgraded my resume' and printed business cards. That was fun. Then I started searching with Google for Christian publishers. I thought it would be much harder to get publishers to send me proofreading tests, but tonight I'm encouraged again! After sending contact emails to a couple of Christian publishers I found on the internet (I chose names I was familiar with), I received a response within days requesting my address so they could send me a test! You've got to understand... (In my English I'm actually saying, "ya gotta understand!" ) This is incredibly FUN to me! In my mind, this is like tackling a

Mommy Says, "Share"

Didn't we all hear from our mothers, teachers, aunts, whoever - that we should "share"? Tonight I'm resting snugly in a warm home offered to us by some old friends. (Is it okay that I call you old , friends?) My husband and I are celebrating our 30th anniversary surrounded by beauty beyond compare and more than 2 feet of snow! They offered their vacation home to us just out of the blue... How refreshing it is to be cared for like this! Who taught you to share? How did you learn to love? -and how do you express it? "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Je