
Showing posts from June 9, 2007

New Job Description Coming...Monday!

I START MY NEW JOB MONDAY, JUNE 11! A family friend has sought me out to help with his small business office! We're working on what that job description will be, but so far I'll start with organization and scheduling appointments. One thing I appreciate about my new boss, is that he says he wants to "work with me", and not that he wants to "hire me". Isn't that just cool? The arrangement seems ideal in every way. For those not in tune with my previous posts: during the past 29 years, I've been a stay-at-home, home schooling mom, have had an eBay business and child care business in my home, been a caregiver for disabled adults, foster mom, and family and home management expert! My interests are in writing, calligraphy, photography, missions, leading worship at church, keeping our family budget, playing on the floor with my grandchildren, raising chickens... And this all adds up to me working in an office? Yes! Believe it or not, YES! I prepare