
Showing posts from December 29, 2008

A Sad Day

The Simple Woman's Day Book FOR TODAY: Monday December 29, 2008 Outside My Window's too dark to see anything - it's 11:22 p.m. I'm looking out a different window now, anyway, since we moved my computer from the dining room to my new office in a bedroom. I am thinking ...that I saw the bad news coming. I couldn't connect the home network, though I'd worked on it all morning. I left the house to get my workout and couldn't easily shake the disappointment I felt in myself. Late this evening we got the email that told of one of our family's marriages being in trouble. I am thankful for ...the fact that no matter how dark times have gotten in my life, I've never totally "lost it". I know, I just know, that God's hand is with me. That place of stillness is unmatched, and His presence often more keenly felt in the dark, lonely places of the night. He doesn't often speak to me in English - it's an understanding of the heart. B