
Showing posts from October, 2008

Friday Thoughts

FOR TODAY: October 31, 2008 Outside My Window... the rain is still not serious about Fall. The golden leaves are just waiting for a good storm to knock them off and send them on a wild ride! I am thinking... it is good to love the Lord. I found it very irritating as a teen, when my Grandma Ina would ask me about some of my friends, "Does he love the Lord? In my religious and righteous self, I thought there were more important things to assess than just their love for God. (what about how well they perform?) But it's true. His heart wants our heart's love. "You shall love the Lord your God with ALL your heart..." I am thankful for... oatmeal cookies with butterscotch chips. From the kitchen... the dishwasher will get my time when I get back from class! I am wearing... a warm cotton sweater and jeans, and more moisturizer on my skin than I would have imagined wanting just a few years ago. Yup, it's drying up after age 50! I am creating... a new family-flock o

My Weakness... is enough

In my smallness, I will praise Him In my weakness and my pain I will praise Him Whom have I in heaven, but You? And ya know, beside You I desire nothing on earth. My body and my resolve may fail, but You are the strength of Kathy, and all I want or need forever. (from Psalm 37) I sat heavily into the worn, padded seat on the small bus heading into the saddest area of Ndola, Zambia. The before lively group of teenage Zambians grew increasingly quiet, as it seemed the weight of the world descended in their minds. Those of us with whiter faces were taking it all in, but not really understanding. Brian noticed my cluelessness and explained, “This is one of our graveyards. It is full now, and more graveyards are being developed to bury all our dead.” I’d never heard of a shortage of graveyards before. What was I doing there, anyway? What did I have to offer this hurting people? Just hours before we had worshipped with them, with their music, with their peers, learning their songs, trying

Simply Busy Woman entry

FOR TODAY Friday, October 17 Outside My Window... daylight has arrived in soft, foggy grays. I am thinking... I now have the busy, productive work and learning schedule I've been wanting for so long. I am thankful for... my warm, quiet house. From the kitchen... a bag of frozen crock-pot makin's is waiting in the sink. Chicken and dumplings for dinner tonight, yum! I am wearing... my sweatshirt no longer - a hot flash just hit! I am creating... a plan for juggling my homework, proofreading, and transcribing. I am going... to school in 3 hours. I am reading... "The Shack," by William P. Young. I highly, highly, highly recommend it. I am hoping... to get a chicken cage built tomorrow. A small flock of Silver-Spangled Hamburg Bantams are likely showing up next week, THEN we can work on the coop! I am hearing... a large truck coming up my road. It's not a garbage truck - it came yesterday. Must be some road work going on (we live on gravel), or logging, or farm-relate

Simple Woman - Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Outside My Window...the sun is warming the soaked ground and the kitties are looking for little bugs to pounce on. I am thinking... too much about getting some chickens. I am thankful for... my wonderful husband. From the kitchen... the pork is thawing in the sink. I am wearing... my hair pinned up at the sides. I am creating... a new life-work by studying and exploring my options. I am going... to take two packages to the post office. I am reading... Thou Shall Prosper , by Rabbi Daniel Lapin I am hoping... I get a good score on my anatomy and physiology exam! I am hearing... silence, but for the hum of my computer's fan and the keys clicking. Around the house... three empty bedrooms - my daughter is housesitting and everyone else has moved out. One of my favorite things... a clean handkerchief. A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: after my exam and swim, I plan to meet Bonnie tomorrow for some girl time. Here is picture thought I am sharing...View of Colorado from my husband